Does anyone even blog anymore? I remember when it first got started and everyone was having a blog. I like writing, and I do a lot of it in my professional life, but not everything makes it onto this blog, which is where a lot of my personal thoughts come out. I put more into Facebook lately, too, because it's a little easier. But there's something to be said for this long-form writing exercise, and I think I will continue here periodically. You don't mind, do you? Well, in my last post I wrote about how difficult things were for me at the time. That changed in July when I finally got a job working for the State of Utah. I was the program manager for the moderate income housing database program, and that meant I worked from home a lot but also went in to Salt Lake when needed, mostly on the train. It was a good experience, for the most part, and I'm grateful for the things I learned even in the short time I was there. In October I started working for Weber County in t...
(hey - the title said random...) :D
So, I got the sausages. At $0.50 a can, I felt that there would be little buyer's remorse, even if they were terrible. Acting on a tip from the good old internet, I decided to pan fry them a little. I'd only ever eaten them straight from the can - which is apparently a perfectly acceptable, and in some folk's opinion, preferable, way to eat the little guys. So I was interested to see if they'd be any better than I remembered.
It was like eating meat-flavored tofu. I don't mind tofu, and I don't mind meat. But the things should NOT be combined for any reason.
I want it clear for the record that I am a hot dog fan. The best hot dog I've ever had was in Chicago outside the Field Museum, just north of Soldier Field (pre-renovation). In fact, it was under construction when I was there... But I digress. Being a hot dog liker, I would say that these sausages were like a very cheap hot dog. They may be suitable in something that has more texture/flavor, but on the whole I'd say that the vienna sausages are a pass...
Until next time... ;-)
And I'm with you on the flavor and texture of Vienna sausages....not my favorite by any means as an adult, but I do remember liking them as a child. They are a favorite of one of my 2 year old granddaughters, so they are a stable in my least until she out grows them.
Yeah, I think I'll stick with a steak. Or a taco. Or Freebirds... mmmmmmm... Freebirds...