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A Note from a Budding Poet

This was written by the boy. He's really got a great way with words.

There's a place in this world
Where people go to sleep 
And the dreams get sent in mail

There's a post office box 
And it's full of dreams
And covered in locks 

The story goes that
The dreams are too powerful 
For any normal human 

They're about fantasy 
And beauty and love
And joy and being happy 

No one has ever seen the dreams
And lived to tell the tale 
Only rumors seeping through the seams

Only two people have the key
To open the box of dreams
You and me 

Let's open it together 
So I can see the look on your face 
As you stare into a mirror

- Ammon Cobabe


lillysmum said…
Well, he clearly has your talent with words. That's lovely and terribly romantic.
Bill Cobabe said…
Indeed. Alas, he also has his father's penchant for both excessive emotion and lavishing it on the wrong person. :/
lillysmum said…
Well, boo on the last part.
Bill Cobabe said…
Indeed. It's hard to see his advances rebuffed. Because I can relate. Sharing your heart with someone is a risky thing.
lillysmum said…
Very risky. And not always worth it, to be honest.
Bill Cobabe said…
Perhaps not. But I've always learned something, and have no regrets. Even if it's just whom not to trust.
lillysmum said…
I've had regrets. Thankfully, not too many. But, I don't give my heart away very often.
Bill Cobabe said…
You are very wise. I tend to rush in foolishly where those proverbial angels fear to tread. And Ammon is not any wiser, alas. I wonder why that is - if it's learned behavior or if it's just kind of who we are. Interesting.
Bill Cobabe said…
I think, on further reflection, that I crave the closeness, the intimacy, and the trust that comes through the kind of relationship where things like this can be shared. I've had it, and it was incredibly delicious and satisfying, and it makes everything else pale in comparison. But it is so rare, and so precarious.

lillysmum said…
As do I, and I've found it a couple of times. But, I am still VERY careful who I try to have it with, and I take my time with most. Unless they are instant soulmates.
Pearls before swine and all that.
Bill Cobabe said…
The race that knows Joseph? Indeed. I agree. Sometimes you just know. Very rare, and all the more precious because of it. I want to hold on to those people forever. They love truly and deeply and completely, and you can be yourself around them. They don't judge, because there's no need. It just... It's right, right from the beginning.

Yeah, this kind of talk makes me very emotional, dang it. Sigh.
lillysmum said…
Hanging on to them is hard sometimes. Circumstances and whatnot...
But, I feel you. It is very hard for me to let those people go, even when they want to.
Bill Cobabe said…
I think this says a lot about the kind of person you are, mon amie.
lillysmum said…
Yeah, that I'm clingy and don't like change. ;)
Bill Cobabe said…
Heh. Sure. ;)

I rather think that it says a lot about your capacity to love and forgive, and your patience. It's too bad that this is so tried so often.... I have always found it interesting that when we pray for strength we are given trials to test this strength.

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