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Conference, General

This past weekend was General Conference for us LDS types. I love it - we get hours of lovely, inspirational messages from our leadership. It's a whirlwind of spirituality, advice, exhortation, calls to repentance, and also the random odd comment. It's almost as much fun to see which talk includes the most random thoughts... Not that I'm disparaging these folks. Shucks, just peruse through my blog to see if I can put together two coherent, related thoughts... ;)

(the answer is no. I can't do it).

My son and I went down to Salt Lake for the Priesthood Session. This was the same session that, several months ago, women were refused entrance to. I didn't notice any women asking for attendance at this session - my son and I did not get tickets, so we went to the Tabernacle, which I think I might have preferred because the hard oak benches kept me awake.... I've come to understand that some women were admitted (or at least attended) the session in various places. I don't know what the big deal is - the session is pretty good, offering good advice and counsel for men and boys - but it's not a big secret. The talks are available online several days afterwards, and have been published in the Church's official magazine (the Ensign) for as long as I can remember. I think if women want to come, let them. I mean, what's the big deal?

Of course, there's the thought that if women attend they're keeping men/boys out who might otherwise be able to go. But the Tabernacle was only 2/3rds full anyway... And shucks, they're broadcasting it online now, anyway, so it's not like women can't get instant access.

But that's just me, I guess.

I have always loved the feel of the Priesthood Session. The first one I attended was in April 1986, when I was just 12 years old. My dad took me to the BYU Marriott Center, which was the largest gathering of Priesthood available at the time (the Conference Center at Temple Square now has more capacity, but back then the largest building owned by the Church was the Marriott Center). It was awesome, and the singing was (is!) my favorite part - all of those men's voices lifted together in song... It's just incredible.

Saturday was an awesome time to just be with the boy. We went to get Greek food first - at the Greek Souvlaki on 3rd South, a tradition dating back many years - and then raced over to the Tabernacle. I love the old Tabernacle - its history and architecture are just amazing. I could almost see my younger self sitting in the various places I'd been while attending the meetings/conference sessions over the years... I even took a girlfriend to a session. She was wearing heels that hurt her feet, so I rubbed them for her while we waited for the session to start, until her brother told her to put her shoes back on. The weirdo. ;)

Ammon and I like Salt Lake. It's a fun, vibrant place - a good-sized city with lots of energy, but not too big to make you feel lost or scared. We raced from our on-street parking space through the City Creek mall (AWESOME) to get to Temple Square. We almost made it in time, too. ;)

Afterwards we spent a little more time walking around, enjoying the evening and the feel of the city. Salt Lake feels like a miniature London, where the historic contrasts with the modern in an organic way, providing visual interest and vibrancy. Of course, the crown jewel is the Temple itself.

Sunday afternoon we drove the Alpine Loop. This route never fails to be absolutely stunning. And here, too, the memories are so rich that it almost takes my breath away. Driving through with friends, picnics and other outings with girls I knew, hiking to Timpanogos Cave, sledding at Tibble Fork, even my Eagle Scout project... All on the beautiful mountain. I love that my kids are now getting to build associations with this place as well.

All in all, a very good weekend.


lillysmum said…
If women were keeping men out, then that would be a reason for refusing them seats. But...that doesn't happen. It's silly that it's a thing, when there have always been men in the women's meeting.
I love the Alpine loop, but I spent Sunday reorganizing my little apt to make more room for the girl to play...
Bill Cobabe said…
Yeah, I don't get it either. I agree that is silly - I mean, why not?

The Alpine Loop has looked better, honestly. The fall colors this year are weird - everything seemed to have gone from green to tan to off... There were some rather stunning places though, where the aspens are in full blaze. And anyway, I love to drive, so any excuse to get out... :)
lillysmum said…
One of my very conservative friends was very offended that women were allowed in. He doesn't think they should be, because the meeting is for men. It doesn't matter that men are allowed in women's meetings. He's ridiculous, though. But not alone.
Bill Cobabe said…
I don't know why one would be offended. And I also don't know that the counsel given is particularly gender-specific. It's mostly just more of the same... All very good and inspiring, of course, and sometimes focused on men in stories and themes. But I'm sure it would be just as inspiring for women as for men... Anyway. I just don't think its a big deal.

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