1. I love these candies. I know they are gross. I know that they are rotting my teeth out of my head. But I like them so much... I am not addicted - I only have one or two per day. And I don't know why I like them, but I do...
2. I do water aerobics every Tuesday and Thursday evening after work. Ammon and I go work out with the ladies at the pool. And you know what? I like it. I do! So many times I have been to the gym or whatever and I feel like I am part of some kind of fashion show or something. But not with these ladies. They don't care. They don't! They just think it's cool that I show up with my boy and do it. Yeah, I have no pride... But Ammon and I have fun. That's what it's all about, right?!?
3. This one might be close to an actual addiction. I love Dr. Pepper. I know it's not good for me. I know I shouldn't drink it (kidney stones, caffeine addictions and headaches, empty calories, etc). But I do. My wife won't let me have it, so if we're out together I don't get it. But when I am out with work folks or on my own, I will have it. I only have it with a meal - I don't go get the fountain drinks or the 20 oz. bottles or anything. But man, I sure enjoy it...
Whew! That felt cathartic. I hope you don't think too poorly of me now you know...
I still thing the gooey center strawberries are vile though.