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Tomorrow is Amie's birthday. The 12th is Andy's. The 14th is Alex's. And the 26th is mom's.

Happy birthday everyone.

I recently found that a member of our ward has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has a survivability rate of less than 5% and you never, ever kick it, even if you live. Once diagnosed, people are expected to live about six months.

My wife and I were talking about this wonderful woman. There are very few (too few) people in this world who shine. Literally. This sister shines with a light that is perceptible and discernible. The world will literally be a darker place without her in it.

Life is short, folks. Too short for hard feelings, too short for pain and misunderstanding.

I love you all so much.

Sorry this one is such a downer... I don't mean to be lugubrious on your birthdays...

I consider myself lucky to be your brother. You have and continue to bless me and my family in many ways, for which I will be eternally grateful. The way we know best how much Heavenly Father loves us lies in the fact that He sent us here with/for each other. Perhaps the greatest name we give the Savior Himself is that of Brother.


LivingstonClan said…
Mike's birthday is on the 22nd--but I am sure you are just planning on posting him his very own thing! And Carson's is the 5th, and Gae's is the 20th. GOsh--July is a busy month in our family! Poor mom! Lol. You are one lucky guy--you have me for a sister after all!
Lugubrious! Who says lugubrious?

It sounds like something that runs from your nose. USE A KLEENEX. Or is it a kind of polish sausage?

Seriously, Bill, the word implies an exaggerated kind of sadness or mournfulness, none of which was present or implied in your birthday message.

I have found that once you are past your teens, about the only good use for a birthday is to take stock of yourself, and the past year, and make plans for the next.

Given that, your thoughts are right on target. We all have challenges come into our lives, it is part of the reason we are here. Our life would lack meaning without them.

So what matters is not our challenges, but what we choose to do with them. I have appreciated the love and support my family has shown each other this past year. And I am constantly thankful that my children have chosen to follow the Savior, and that we all love one another. If more challenges come along (and they will) I can only pray that we continue to support one another. And always do what we can to help both those with challenges, and perhaps those who cause them. Being the cause of challenges cannot be a pleasant thing. Let us all pray for and love one another. We ARE very fortunate to be a part of our family.

(Was lugubrious a kind of flooring that was used before vinyl?)

Amie Cobb said…

Your description of birthdays must be why I always cry on my birthday. (Out of depression, not happiness.) Birthdays are another reminder that I'm not a kid anymore and don't live with my mom, who always made my birthday so special.

Bill Cobabe said…
Ah, OK. Lindsey, you are the champion of remembering everyone's birthday, but not of spelling. I give you an A-.

Dad - lugubrious comes from the latin _lugubris_ meaning to mourn. My post was feeling (at least to me) to be a little mournful, possibly due to my excessive thinking about the good sister in our ward, and my own good sisters and brothers, and how short life is. I give you an A- also. But you get extra credit because I am sure you knew what that word meant without having to look it up...

Amie - as usual gets the A because she captured my mood exactly. Older sisters are good like that.

I was just told that the guy who designed our City Park has an inoperable brain tumor. He's had it for 2 years. He doesn't want to go on chemo because the prognosis even with chemo is bleak. He has been talking like he has a stuffy nose and apparently suffers from frequent headaches. He has been out of operation for several weeks and has just today felt well enough to come in, apologize, and say he's with us to whatever end. He's a good guy, a great architect, and I don't know what we're going to do without him. He's my age (or just a little older). He also has an 8 year old son. I don't know what his family will do without him...

Sad. But you know, part of a plan. The only prerequisite for death is birth. We will all die - it is inevitable. And that's OK. But it makes each moment here that much more precious and dear. I guess that was my point - I cherish each moment with all of you. I really do. I am sorry I won't see Amie this year, but I am glad that Ammon and Elise and Youngshin will...

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