“Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.”
― Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
We were given an assignment in Sunday school earlier today to keep a journal of emotions. Men, it was reasoned, need to learn to feel and express their emotions better. Awareness of what one is feeling and finding ways to appropriately express one's emotions is a good thing.
This has never been a problem for me. My issue often seems to be that I have a surfeit of emotions and that sharing them wears out those who are close enough to share. People I know are put off by the intimacy. I haven't yet found anyone who was willing to just listen, one who will be patient and abide. Everyone I've come across either cannot share or don't really want to, or they are too caught up with their own concerns to be overly concerned with mine, and they go away.
I think that's a large part of why I write this blog. It acts as my pensieve, a place for me to off load some of my random and often poignant thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself, other times there's a definite audience I have in mind, even if that person or people never hear or read. Because one can only take rejection so much before one learns not to try.
Anyway, it's cathartic to write. And if I sound pathetic or emotional or whatever, perhaps now you'll know why. I don't mean to be off putting or lugubrious or maudlin. I do very much appreciate your indulgence. After all, you've chosen to read anyway.
― Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
We were given an assignment in Sunday school earlier today to keep a journal of emotions. Men, it was reasoned, need to learn to feel and express their emotions better. Awareness of what one is feeling and finding ways to appropriately express one's emotions is a good thing.
This has never been a problem for me. My issue often seems to be that I have a surfeit of emotions and that sharing them wears out those who are close enough to share. People I know are put off by the intimacy. I haven't yet found anyone who was willing to just listen, one who will be patient and abide. Everyone I've come across either cannot share or don't really want to, or they are too caught up with their own concerns to be overly concerned with mine, and they go away.
I think that's a large part of why I write this blog. It acts as my pensieve, a place for me to off load some of my random and often poignant thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself, other times there's a definite audience I have in mind, even if that person or people never hear or read. Because one can only take rejection so much before one learns not to try.
Anyway, it's cathartic to write. And if I sound pathetic or emotional or whatever, perhaps now you'll know why. I don't mean to be off putting or lugubrious or maudlin. I do very much appreciate your indulgence. After all, you've chosen to read anyway.
Curiously, my posts are mostly to get irritation or anger out of my system. You are different than me. ;)