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On a more personal note...

This is actually not intended to be a scriptural commentary, per se. It's just that recently I've been writing some thoughts in relation to the Book of Mormon that have been on my mind. This is in keeping with the direction received from our Stake President. I just didn't want you to think that I had completely abandoned my normal randomness...

I have been the bishop of the Baytown 2nd Ward for the past three months. It has been glorious in the most surpassing way. The members of our ward are generous, kind, and faithful. It is a privilege to serve with and amongst such incredible people. The Lord has truly blessed us, and I am grateful.

There's one thing I would like to note. It is not specific to anyone, or even our ward. It is endemic throughout the world and I have been wondering about it a lot. It has to do with attitude.

Attitude determines so much of what we become in our lives. As Elder Holland said, There is no situation so bad that complaining about it can't make it worse. We rise to the level of our own diligence and faithfulness, but also our own willingness and cheerfulness. We are blessed through having a good outlook on life - not only spiritually and emotionally, but physically as well. Who needs all that added stress. And imagine if everyone complained as much as most whiners will.

Attitude also contributes to the positive feelings others have - about the world and about us. Complaining was what lead Laman and Lemuel to be known eternally as "murmurers". It's an easy transition from "murmurers" to "murderers"... And what kills our peace, tranquility, and solace more quickly than a poor attitude?

Our Young Men recently participated in a camp out where they had to pack in for several miles and then pack it all back out. Do you know what? Not ONE of them complained even ONCE. This so totally shocked me - I'm still in shock! Up and over hills, through mud and sand, carrying heavy loads in decrepit gear - and no one was a whiner or fussed. It was amazing. And what's more, the trip was enjoyable for all - leaders and youth alike. I was really pleased with our group. Granted, we didn't go far (six and a half miles) and the terrain wasn't terribly vertical. But still these Young Men reflected a positive attitude that shone in their willing and eager faces. It was a pleasure to hike with these great young men. I can't wait to see how far they'll go in life.

Their attitudes are clearly a reflection of their upbringing. Their parents are obviously people of faithfulness, diligence, and a willing attitude and spirit. This is reflected in the actions of their sons. I am excited (now) to go on future camp outs with these young men. In fact, the only time I can remember some complaining was last April when it rained during a camp out. Of course, it rained 10 inches that night - nearly a record! - so there was some frustration with the wetness. But even that was minimal...

So to all these young men - and their parents - my hat's off to you. Thanks for an enjoyable weekend!


Deb said…
I love positive attitudes, and really hate negativity. I also prize realism and dislike mindless, delusional optimism. It can be a tricky balance: facing the very real obstacles and problems that one faces without allowing negativity to intrude upon one's point of view is a real challenge, but so is tempering positivity with realism. That's my take, anyway. :)

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