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The Allegory

Jacob chapter 5 is a big speed bump in the middle of the downward spiral towards Mosiah, which ramps up to Alma. You have several nice, short chapters that are good and quick, but then there's a monster 77 verses to read in chapter 5. As a result, there is much consternation that stems (pun intended) from the allegory of the olive tree.

Yet, this need not be the case.

My father once reminded me that this chapter is not to teach or explain about olive tree husbandry. It is a timeline of the Lord's dealings with His children and specifically the House of Israel. There are a number of things that one should remember when reading this chapter:

1. This is very symbolic. Much of the symbolism that takes place in the scriptures can be both literally and spiritually applied. This one tends to be more literal in nature, although the spiritual aspects of it are rich and many. Please note that the spiritual symbols are open for personal interpretation and application, so I will not attempt to explain them. Just know that at various times different symbols have different meanings as my maturity increases and my understanding of the Lord's work grows. Symbols that do exist and are relatively clear to understand include:

The natural olive tree. This consists of the body of the ancient Church, as differentiated from the nation-state of Israel. The two are not the same, so a clear differentiation must be made. The tree was ancient before any of the work actually began.

The roots. Roots are an obvious symbol in almost any story. The history and legacy upon which any work or organization is founded are often represented as roots. It also has reference to the works of the prophets and the promises and covenants made with our ancestors.

The branches. Branches are also fairly obvious, especially to anyone who knows of the organizational structure of the modern Church. We have a main trunk (central leadership core) with stakes and wards and branches. I have heard someone say that they were a part of a branch that was so small it was a twig. :-) The branches are also the individuals that contribute to the organization. In this story, there are main branches which are broken off the natural tree and planted in various parts of the vineyard.

The vineyard. Easy - the world, geographically referenced.

The various spots of ground. They vary in quality from the very poor, to just generally poor, to very good (choice above all other). The Lord through His constant care and ministrations was able to bring forth good fruit from all of the various parts of the vineyard. It is interesting that the choicest part of the vineyard brought forth mixed good and bad fruit, until the bad overcame the good...

2. The timeline is specific and events have a direct correlation between what happened then and is happening now. The various visits by the Lord of the vineyard correspond directly with dispensations of the gospel and visits to the earth by the Lord. Note that there are times when servants are involved with the work and times when the Lord does the work. Ultimately, the Lord authorizes His servants to call other servants to come and assist in the work, and the Lord Himself works with them. This is the time we are now in. Note also that the number of the servants was few.

3. Jacob (then) and Joseph Smith (later) could not have known how exactly this would have applied to the global situation throughout history. There are things we are still waiting to see fulfilled, including the gathering of the records mentioned in 2 Nephi. So this is a very much living and breathing story. Stay tuned.

4. This is introduced (by Jacob) as an exposition on the Lord's mercy. As you review this chapter, please look for ways in which to find the Lord's mercy. This is one of the ways that we can make this chapter and its symbolism come alive and meaningful to us. As we come to understand how loving and kind and merciful us, His children, we can notice many of His tender mercies all over in the world around us. This will make us more humble and more grateful. It will make us more kind and loving to each other. And it will make us want to be a part of this great work even more.


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