God our Heavenly Father does not live here on earth with us.
He has visited. He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ to live with us for a time and to visit on occasion. And we enjoy the constant companionship of the God that is the Holy Ghost.
But our Father does not live here with us.
Since He is God, we desire to serve him. But since He is not here, we do not have that opportunity. So what does He command? What does He require?
There are but two great commandments - to love God and to love each other. That's it. But in order to do the first, we must do the second.
Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the process is set up such that in accomplishing our love for God by demonstrating our love for each other, we in turn become the biggest beneficiaries. Imagine if everyone you came in contact with genuinely loved you and wanted to serve you so that you could be happy. Everyone. I realize that's a little hard to imagine, but try it. Now turn the tables and reflect on how the world would appear if you genuinely and sincerely loved everyone YOU came in contact with, viewing them as fellow travelers on this sphere, as children of the Most High, and as eventual joint-heirs with Christ - along with you. These are people who have divine potential, who have the very spark of godhood in their souls. These are people who have needs and concerns and fears and hopes and dreams. These are people who love their families, who want to do well in life, and who just want to be loved - just like you.
Look at people with the eye of faith. Do not view them as they currently are. The greatest service we can be to people is just to love them.