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Heavy Heart...

I am a pretty down today.

I don't know why people have to say mean things. For some reason, I don't really understand why, people say mean things that hurt a lot. Sometimes those things need to be said, I guess. But it really, really hurts.

And some things are best left unsaid. Not because they're such a big secret, but because they are just too unpleasant and painful to discuss. Conversely, there are some things that are too sacred and holy and beautiful to ever comprehend.

Like a relationship between a child and his father. Or a child and his Father.

We have learned to call God our Father. Just as the thought that I am the child of a heavenly Father gives me a sense of strength, so does my earthly father make me proud to be his son.

I am not ignorant of my father's weaknesses. I choose not to focus on them. If that makes me myopic and pollyanna-ish, so be it. But I extend the same to everyone, even you. I love to forgive because I so desperately need to be forgiven. I don't have time or energy to condemn others: I am too worried about myself.

But some hurts take time. And some bridges, once crossed and burned, can never be rebuilt. Not because the forgiveness isn't real, but because the deed is done.

And some actions separate us from those we would have preferred to be with. Some things make us choose sides because they are divisive. My choice is made - I stand with my father. And my Father.


Jeanette said…
I am so sorry, I know you are hurting deeply right now. I wish I had some magic band aid that could make it all better but I don't.

Pray about this, follow your heart, it will lead you in the right direction.

You are a great man and I am very proud that you are my friend.
Bill I just wanted to say that we Love you guys... I wish hurtful things didn't have to be said this way!!! You guys are great!!!

Bill Cobabe said…
Thank you, thank you. Your words mean more than I could ever say. I don't understand things - I wish we could just be happy and love each other. Some things just don't need to be said... I think it's selfish and in bad taste to drag out people's past transgressions. Let's all move on, shall we?

Love you guys.

Anonymous said…
Damn you for moving so far away, I need to hug you.

You are so eloquent with words, I love that you can express what each of us feels. I love you.
B. Perky said…
One thing I would disagree with, bridges can be rebuilt but the arsonist has to put away the matches first. I hope you and your siblings continue to find peace and continue to support one another.
LivingstonClan said…
Love you Bill. Thanx--and cool stuff! Wish you hadn't moved so far away too--jerk!
Amie Cobb said…
Yeah, you pretty much said it all. "Mean people suck" is how I would have said it, but dad really hates the word "suck."

Sometimes, however, it applies.

Love you,
Unknown said…
With all of the blogging that has been going on recently, with mean and hurtful things being said by family members, I am reminded of the Proverb 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger." I would like to say, that if I have ever offended any of you, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. I am trying to learn to be a better person as each day goes by. I learned at a very young age to forgive something that was very hurtful to me. As painful as that was the lesson learned was worth the pain, so the hurt was not in vain. Ruth, I dont know if you are still looking at this blog, but if you are, I would like to say a few things to you. Ruth, I remember a lot of fun things about you. Do you remember when you took us all to raging waters in Salt Lake? I remember you were driving our suburban and it must have been the first time you had driven a larger vehicle, because you said, "I can drive a house!" I also remember that you have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. I have always loved to hear you sing. When you and Darren sang at my missionary farewell, the spirit was so strong. I will never forget that. I also remember when I was deployed to IRAQ, you would always tell me how you and your kids were praying for me. That meant a lot. Do you know that you were the only one who told me that you were doing that? In all our family, I am sure that there were others praying for me, but you were the only one who let me know. Thank you for that. Lastly, I remember stopping by Grandma's late one night, you were very sick. And for reasons I do not know, Darren asked me to give you a blessing. I was really taken by that request. In the room was Grandpa, Uncle Jim, and Darren. But I was asked to give you a blessing. I dont remember everything that was said, but I assure you that blessing did not come from me. That was a blessing for you from your Father in Heaven. I remember that you were not blessed to recover immediately, but that there would be tough times ahead... But, you were blessed that you would pull through, that you would be there for your husband and children who need their wife and mother. Ruth, this is what I think about when I think of you. I dont pretend to understand what you are going through... But I know that blessing was not a temporary blessing, it was not just for that time when you nearly left this world. It is a continual blessing that you can draw on throughout your life. Ruth, I love you. Joshua
Shelly Hanson said…
There's a reason I chose to read you Bill. I don't need to know what was said. I hear your hurt, and I'm so sorry that happened to you(whatever that is) You are close to your Lord.

You be happy, and love the family you picked.

Rhonda said…
Love and hugs, Bill, to you and your extended family. I wish there were something I could do besides offering love and support and prayers.

Are your kids off school the week of the 16th? We would love to get together sometime that week if so.

We love you.
Rhonda said…
I just read your post on Ruth's blog. You are an amazing person, and I love the goodness in your heart. Thanks for being such an example to me.

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