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Christmas Letter

I don't know why people feel obligated to write Christmas letters. We are all pretty much in touch with each other through blogs and Facebook and email anyway, right? Maybe it's just another ploy to prop up a broken postal system. Regardless of the reason, here we are.

I finished my first year with the City of Mont Belvieu on October 1. Yes, I am a Texan, now. My neighbor told me that since I have been through a hurricane - the EYE, no less - I was fast-tracked in. Yee-HAW! I love Texas. It's a very much come as you are state. I really appreciate that fact. What else about me? I turned 34 on October 29. Yep. Old man territory. I am the 2nd counselor in the ward bishopric (which still blows me away - I mean, really... ME?!?) and I really like the chance to learn from Bishop Carraway and Bro. Gage and everyone else in the bishopric and ward. We really have a great ward - one of the best I have been in. That is due in no small part to our bishop - great man that he is. I was recently named to the West Chamber's County Chamber of Commerce (whew!) board of directors. I am not sure what that means, but I suppose I'll find out. I heard that my brother was named President of the local chamber of commerce where he lives in Idaho (way to go, Andy!) so it must be in the blood.

Youngshin just recently started a job working with low-income children with developmental problems. She's very excited and eager for this chance to help and to learn. It's very different from what she was doing in Utah, so it's a great chance for her. She is also the ward young women's president and is having a profound effect on the young people in our ward. It's awesome to see, really. She's the greatest person I know (sorry, mom). I am proud to be her husband and companion.

Ammon is 11 and just attended priesthood preview. He's so excited. He even played "Onward Christian Soldiers" for the opening hymn. He's getting really good at the piano... He also played trombone in his first band concert - man, was that a trip down memory lane! He went on his first Scout campout a few months ago. I told him he'd get to pick out a pocketknife when he gets his first class... We'll see how that little bit of motivation helps... He's so smart - the smartest kid I know - and he never gets less than As on all of his report cards. It is truly a blessing to be his dad.

Elise is 6. She is the sweetest, brightest girl you'll ever know. She loves to make people happy, especially when we're in the car travelling together - she's in the back seat cracking jokes and singing songs she makes up about things we drive past. It's awesome! She loves her class at school and is doing very well - all As for her, also! Two smart kids - must take after their genius mother...

All in all, we have been blessed. Life is very good for us here. We hear that the economy is slowing down other places, but we haven't felt that here. At least, not yet. I recently saw an ad where a guy was giving away his house in Houston for a house out here in Mont Belvieu! HA! That's how good it is out here!

We know that others of you are suffering for whatever reason - health issues, money concerns, marital problems, whatever... But we know that as we cast our burdens on the Lord He will make them light. There is no trouble that He cannot compensate for. He is our Friend, Companion, Savior and Redeemer. I love Him more than I could ever say.

I hope all of you have a happy Christmas and a blessed and prosperous new year!


Anonymous said…
I love you, Bill. We miss you more than we can say. Thank you for the letter. The update is precious to me.

Merry Christmas.
Grandma Cobabe said…
Here it is 6:30 AM Christmas morning and we have no little ones to wake us up. Grandpa of course woke up around his usual time 4:30am.He made a nice fire in the woods tove and read some form a new book Darrin & Ruth gave him last night. He has now gone back to bed for a nap.We miss you guys sooooooo much.
I sent a couple pictures on the email taken this morning. I have to catch up with the modern world and get a blog!!For some time now I have wondered "What is a blog anyway??? "
It is warming right up here-----23 degrees outside. Yesterday it was -1 when were driving to Orem for Jims doctor appointment. Do you read his blog? Snail Hollow Gazette ?
Hope you can keep warm ;) Love Grandma . MERRY CHRISTMAS
LivingstonClan said…
Funny that we both posted a Christmas letter yesterday. Sure do miss you! Looks like you guys are havinga lot of fun, and your kids are growing up waay too fast. When are you coming up for a visit?? Hope you Christmas was great--ours has been awesome so far. let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

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