So, I heard that yesterday out genius Republican Congressional folks passed a measure that would cut Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (AKA Food Stamps) by $4 Billion.
Um, what?!?
Because now poor people don't need to eat? Or, there are those who are poor but are not really THAT poor, so they don't deserve to eat?
I'm confused.
This program is PERFECT. There is nothing wrong with providing people with food. The purpose of providing people with food (as opposed to with just cash) is that they HAVE to use this kind of thing FOR FOOD. Sure, they can then use the rest to buy ammunition to rob banks, build rockets to the moon, and otherwise complete their nefarious desires to wreak mayhem and devastation on the hard-working taxpayers of America.
I'm so sick of the silly arguments about SNAP. People who have never been poor should not judge those who are. People who have been poor should show more empathy. And people who claim to be Christian, who claim the moral high-ground, who extol virtues like self-reliance and self-determination and self-improvement should absolutely understand that people need food to pay for things like school, like clothing (so they can look good for their job interview), like personal hygiene, like housing and phones and transportation - ALL of which is absolutely vital to getting and maintaining a job so ONE CAN GET OFF WELFARE.
It's just stunning. I really am quite speechless.
(PS - I know that this bill has no chance of passing the Senate/White House. I'm just baffled by the pea-brain that says this is a good move. Shucks, who needs the votes of the poor?!? Clearly, no one in MY congressional district is poor.)
Um, what?!?
Because now poor people don't need to eat? Or, there are those who are poor but are not really THAT poor, so they don't deserve to eat?
I'm confused.
This program is PERFECT. There is nothing wrong with providing people with food. The purpose of providing people with food (as opposed to with just cash) is that they HAVE to use this kind of thing FOR FOOD. Sure, they can then use the rest to buy ammunition to rob banks, build rockets to the moon, and otherwise complete their nefarious desires to wreak mayhem and devastation on the hard-working taxpayers of America.
I'm so sick of the silly arguments about SNAP. People who have never been poor should not judge those who are. People who have been poor should show more empathy. And people who claim to be Christian, who claim the moral high-ground, who extol virtues like self-reliance and self-determination and self-improvement should absolutely understand that people need food to pay for things like school, like clothing (so they can look good for their job interview), like personal hygiene, like housing and phones and transportation - ALL of which is absolutely vital to getting and maintaining a job so ONE CAN GET OFF WELFARE.
It's just stunning. I really am quite speechless.
(PS - I know that this bill has no chance of passing the Senate/White House. I'm just baffled by the pea-brain that says this is a good move. Shucks, who needs the votes of the poor?!? Clearly, no one in MY congressional district is poor.)