What a week.
First, our bishopric gets reorganized. Then the very next week we get a new stake president and a new stake is formed in our area.
I just wanted to state that I know independently and of myself that we are led by men who are inspired. We are led by men who are, in turn, led by God. Christ is at the helm of the Church and it is His work we are engaged in. I am incredibly humbled to be a small part of this organization. I know that God lives and is mindful of us. He loves us and is aware of our needs and desires.
I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration of the gospel in these latter-days. I know that President Monson is the prophet of the Lord on the earth today. What an honor it is to be a part of this work!
"...the Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
- Joseph Smith