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El Obispo...

1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

So, it happened.

Bishop Carraway was released on Sunday. But wait - let me back up.

Saturday evening, at about 5:30, I get a phone call from President Smith - our Stake President. He would like to see me and Youngshin at 7 PM in his office.

GREAT! I say. I honestly don't know what this is about. I know that Stake Conference is coming up, so there's a lot going on. I thought maybe he wanted Youngshin and I to give prayers or talks or something. But I also knew that Bishop Carraway was being released soon, and I also knew that the Stake Presidency would be reorganized this next Sunday. It's going to be a busy week...

We met with him in his office, and after the normal chit-chat (which of course is not just normal chit-chat but is in fact gentle probing of how life is going and how I'd be able to handle what ever's coming...) he asks if I have any idea why we're there. I have the above thoughts, but I don't know why we're there...

He reaches for a letter. Dear President Smith - this is to inform you that your proposal for Fredrick William Cobabe III to succeed as bishop of the Baytown 2nd Ward is approved. Signed, the First Presidency. In ink. I asked to see it - I couldn't believe it (and still struggle with the very idea!)...

Are you SURE?!?

Yes, says President Smith. I'm sure.

I mean, really? I don't question you or the First Presidency, or the Lord... But REALLY?!? ME?!?

Yes. Really. (I can see President Smith is kind of enjoying this - there's a slight sadistic side to the whole calling thing...)

Ok. The answer is yes, of course. I will do what I can. (What else do you say? It would be embarrassing to bolt from the room at this point, which is what I really want to do...)

President Smith then goes on to explain that he would like to get this taken care of immediately and would step out for a minute and let me and Youngshin deliberate and discuss and pray about who counselors should be. Then he'd call them tonight and get them set apart tomorrow (Sunday).

Whoa! What about transition time?!? What about the stuff I still don't know?!? Wait, WHAT???
OK, President.

Two things strike me in this process - I am not alone. My loving wife is with me and supports me. My children are an amazing strength and source of peace for me. I have two counselors who will help me figure all of this out. And there was no dissenting vote or people running for the doors when I was sustained. In fact, most people said that they knew that this was coming for some time, anyway.

Weird that I didn't.

The other thing that strikes me is the humility I feel with this. First off, the First Presidency considered my name. They did! They signed their name to the letter (President Smith gave me the letter) that said they approved the action. These men, whom I have always sustained as prophets, seers, and revelators, men who are closer to the Lord than anyone on this earth - they considered my name for this calling. It's incredibly humbling, but also empowering. I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot of repenting to do. I hope I am able to continue the good things that Bishop Carraway is able to do and be. May God, our Heavenly Father, make me worthy of the tasks which surely lay ahead of me.


LivingstonClan said…
Still cannot believe it Bill! But honestly, if anyone I know personally was to become Bishop, I definitely would have guessed you. (despite your loyalty to the Utes) I love you Bill. You will do an amazing job. You will because you are humble (behind the front ;) You are a good man, I have always known that. I cannot being the Bishop--or the Bishops WIFE! HUg Young Shin for me. :) Love you guys. PRAY--A LOT!
Anonymous said…
I always knew you were great.

Really, I did.

Wow, congrats, and my condolences...that's a TON of work.


p.s. the word verification is sheli--crazy.
Deb said…
Very excited, I am. Wrote a blog about this, I did. Talking like Yoda today, I am, for reasons some.

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