I love people. I love the sound of people - the laughter, the moans and groans, the arguments and shouting, the sweet nothings whispered between lovers...
I love people. I love the smell of people - the sweat and fear, the joy and sunshine, the warm human smell that is uniquely us...
I love people. I love the feel of people - an unending, undulating ripple of humanity, textured across the face of the planet like a textured fabric, at times thin and stretched, at other times thick and varied and piled, but always warm...
I love people. I love the taste of people - which maybe sounds a little weird, but taste and smell are intrinsically and inseparably linked, and there is much of a person's history and culture and hopes and fears and LIFE tied up in the way they taste...
I love people. I love the way they look - vibrant faces full of light, bright and bright and bright, bodies in motion that speak of the divine in all of us, animated and animal, caressing one another with our own glances and love and shared humanity, even just glimpsed as strangers on a train platform...
Because we share these experiences. They're a part of our life, no matter how briefly. You're a part of mine, dear reader, and your soul leaves its impressions on my soul, no matter that I do not see you or hear you or taste you or smell you. I do feel you. And I love you because of that.
I am a person who deeply and truly needs affection and connection and meaning. And you provide it, in your own way. And I am grateful.
I love people. I love the smell of people - the sweat and fear, the joy and sunshine, the warm human smell that is uniquely us...
I love people. I love the feel of people - an unending, undulating ripple of humanity, textured across the face of the planet like a textured fabric, at times thin and stretched, at other times thick and varied and piled, but always warm...
I love people. I love the taste of people - which maybe sounds a little weird, but taste and smell are intrinsically and inseparably linked, and there is much of a person's history and culture and hopes and fears and LIFE tied up in the way they taste...
I love people. I love the way they look - vibrant faces full of light, bright and bright and bright, bodies in motion that speak of the divine in all of us, animated and animal, caressing one another with our own glances and love and shared humanity, even just glimpsed as strangers on a train platform...
Because we share these experiences. They're a part of our life, no matter how briefly. You're a part of mine, dear reader, and your soul leaves its impressions on my soul, no matter that I do not see you or hear you or taste you or smell you. I do feel you. And I love you because of that.
I am a person who deeply and truly needs affection and connection and meaning. And you provide it, in your own way. And I am grateful.
(my personal favorite... there's just so much to love in this image)