I know you don't think that
You're particularly beautiful in the morning
(Of course, I know you don't think that
You're beautiful any time...
Even though I tell you every day
And my eyes drink in your beauty
Drowning willingly in the immense joy
Of just seeing you)
But that's perhaps when I love you the most
Because you're so warm and near
And the intimacy between us is at its zenith
All pretenses shed
All external trappings removed
And I see you
The real you
The you that's only for me
And my heart melts all over again
In the radiance of your eyes
You're particularly beautiful in the morning
(Of course, I know you don't think that
You're beautiful any time...
Even though I tell you every day
And my eyes drink in your beauty
Drowning willingly in the immense joy
Of just seeing you)
But that's perhaps when I love you the most
Because you're so warm and near
And the intimacy between us is at its zenith
All pretenses shed
All external trappings removed
And I see you
The real you
The you that's only for me
And my heart melts all over again
In the radiance of your eyes