33 How long can rolling waters remain impure? What power shall stay the heavens? As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.
Doctrine and Covenants Section 121
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Doctrine and Covenants Section 50
The dews from heaven
Gradually accumulate
Collecting slowly
In the early morning light
Not full sunshine yet
Not fully light
But enough to see this miracle
Gradually unfolding
The dew becomes droplets
The droplets become tiny rivulets
Sliding down blades of grass
Dripping onto the ground below
Gathering into puddles and streams
Flowing into mighty rivers
Just as the sun
Rising in the east
Shines over the face of the earth
Slowly and incrementally increasing
The ambient light
Until the day-star breaks
Over the darkened horizon
Shedding its light
Over all
Bringing warmth and knowledge and peace
Sweet glorious wonder
A miracle that happens
Each and every day
The beginning is invisible
The end is powerful
It overcomes all
Cleansing, purifying, and life-giving
The river
The fountain of all righteousness
The light and the life
Doctrine and Covenants Section 121
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Doctrine and Covenants Section 50
The dews from heaven
Gradually accumulate
Collecting slowly
In the early morning light
Not full sunshine yet
Not fully light
But enough to see this miracle
Gradually unfolding
The dew becomes droplets
The droplets become tiny rivulets
Sliding down blades of grass
Dripping onto the ground below
Gathering into puddles and streams
Flowing into mighty rivers
Just as the sun
Rising in the east
Shines over the face of the earth
Slowly and incrementally increasing
The ambient light
Until the day-star breaks
Over the darkened horizon
Shedding its light
Over all
Bringing warmth and knowledge and peace
Sweet glorious wonder
A miracle that happens
Each and every day
The beginning is invisible
The end is powerful
It overcomes all
Cleansing, purifying, and life-giving
The river
The fountain of all righteousness
The light and the life