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I close my eyes
All I see is you
When I wake in the morning
My thoughts are of you
You are in my soul
Like a ray of sunshine
Or a heavenly angel
You are all I want
All I need
More than my next breath
I cannot live without you
Any more than a fish can live outside water
My heart aches when we're apart
And when I lie down at night
My arms ache to hold you
I am weak
I cannot continue

And then you come to me
With sunlight in your eyes
I know it's a dream
But it's my fondest wish
I feel you in my arms again
And it is sweet
Like heaven

I love you.
Mon ami.


Bill Cobabe said…
And so you see I have come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.

Simon and Garfunkel
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I particularly like this entry. It makes me think of something I recently wrote to my love. I don't like to share my writings though. I am sure a lot of people can relate to this feeling. Very well written and articulate. The title is very interesting, also.
Bill Cobabe said…
Thank you!

Yes, the number 7 is a powerful number, and 7 sevens is even more powerful, evoking the Hebrew Year of Jubilee when all the slaves were set free. Good job on picking up on that! You're clearly very intelligent... :-)

It's difficult to express one's self, particularly when emotions are so charged. I find that writing things down helps me to find voice to emotions that are either too powerful to keep in or too complicated to organize in any other way. I never know what exactly will happen when I open myself in this way, but I find that I cannot keep things inside very well...

I'm glad you can relate to the feeling. It makes me happy to think that I'm not as strange as I sometimes feel. I guess I'm not as alone as I thought I was! Thank you!
Bill Cobabe said…
PS - your love is a very lucky person if you have these kinds of feelings. You should share more! It's really quite liberating...
Anonymous said…
Yes. I feel lucky to have that kind of love too. My love is far away but writing my emotions down help me to feel that their love surrounds me. Makes me feel closer to them. I am sure you have felt this way before. It is sweet and bitter at the same time. Bitter that the person is far away but sweet that you have the opportunity to experience it with that one and only someone who returns that feeling to you. Thank you for sharing this entry. Very inspiring.
Bill Cobabe said…
Alas for love that is far away. Alas for love that cannot be... no matter how perfect it could have been. Alas! Alas! Alas!
Bill Cobabe said…
But I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Anon. You know my thoughts, but do not share your own... Would you care to share? I would be delighted to read what you've written...
Bill Cobabe said…
Sometimes caution is good, but sometimes it should be thrown to the wind...
Anonymous said…
Perhaps I shall get up the nerve to share something I've written...we shall see. :)
Bill Cobabe said…
I would love to hear it... Or read it, as the case may be... LOL!
Anonymous said…
I will make you a deal. When I dig this poem out :)and let you read have to promise not to post it...just reject it so it won't be posted for others to read. I don't like my writings to out there for all the world to read. :-). So do we have a deal?
Bill Cobabe said…
Yes - it's a deal! I can't wait!
Anonymous said…
A deal's a deal. So... What about it? Lol
Anonymous said…
What did you think? Any comments? :)
Bill Cobabe said…
Well, I'll tell you. It was truly amazing. A work of art. You have a real gift and it touched my heart. Thank you for sharing.

And I agree - there are some things that are too sacred, too powerful to share. So it means a lot that you would share this with me. Thank you!

There comes sometimes a task unbidden
That reaches down into depths hidden
And makes us lions of kittens

Until that day with heavenly wings
My heart with angelic choir sings
I will keep and remember these things

I will remember.

(I wrote that 12 years ago for my grandparents on their 50th wedding anniversary. Seems appropriate now, too.)
Anonymous said…
Thank you. That is so beautiful. You have a real gift. really, i think that is gorgeous.

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