I recently reconnected with an old friend from high school on Facebook. She's living in Southern California, single, and involved with what appears to be a very fulfilling and successful career involving her talents and abilities. She wrote this: Life throws curveballs and I just try to stay ahead of the crazy!...
This was very profound to me... I am experiencing currently some of the curve balls that life can and does throw at one. Why does life have to be curvy? Why can't everything be straight forward and simple? Up to this point in my life it has seemed very clear and very simple. Suddenly I am finding myself facing something that is complex. It is distressing to me, because I can feel the gaping maw of the abyss opening before me. I am not in the abyss, merely on the precipice. I do not know what will happen - just that the direction I am heading needs more, well, direction.
I am not one who is accustomed to failure. I am not afraid to fail, but I am just not familiar with the stress and work and fear and despondency that is associated with even contemplation of failure. God did not send us here to fail. He is faithful and will help us if we are humble and submissive. I hope I can find myself worthy of the tests and fire that I must pass through...
I am currently in the abbyss trying to claw my way back to the surface, it's exhausting work, but I see His hand reaching out to me.