One thing that comes from standing near the brink is that if you can tear your eyes away from the gaping maw of destruction, it's actually a pretty nice view.
And if you can allow that view to inspire and motivate, perhaps you can turn yourself away from the abyss and find new vigor and strength.
Turning one's self around also puts us back into the presence of God Himself.
All that is required is a complete abandonment of everything that we would hold dearer than His will - including and especially our own will. In this lies strength - in this lies real power. Those who can abandon the pretext of worldly control, of independence, of MY will to power - those who can sacrifice all things find themselves completely under the control of the Almighty. Those people are few, and the cycle of pride repeats itself many times in one's life. But if we believe Christ, if we really, really believe Him, we will find ourselves yearning to abandon those things which keep us from Him and His will. It will not be difficult - actually, yes it will. But it will become sweet and joyful.
And we will become free all over again.