The image above is wrong, by the way. The wagons are too far apart, allowing easy penetration into the interior. Also, notice the direction most men are facing - towards the fire. This is wrong because it obscures one's night vision. Further, they are too close to vegetation that could serve as cover for ambushing attackers. These attackers were as likely to be bands of renegade bandits as hostile Native Americans.
At any rate, the point is that the defensive position is strongest in this kind of formation. It give the attacker no easy avenue of approach while allowing a 360 degree view of any marauders to the defenders. The few inside are able to withstand attacks - sometimes for several days - by subsisting on the goods and provisions sequestered within the protective circle. When the attacks come, all inside are able to provide support to the fighting defenders.
While we are not currently literally "in laager," the time may come when our enemies are more numerous than we can handle. Currently the good of the world is allowing us some definite successes in the battle against sin and evil. There may come a time when a literal gathering of Israel is required - to the center place in Zion.
But there are families and individuals who are under attack. We need to help pull them into the protective circle that is the brotherhood of the Church. We need to circle the wagons (figuratively) around these people to ensure that they are cared for and protected against the onslaught of evil that is out there.
