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Really, really random

So there I was last night, mowing my lawn, when I noticed how beautiful the sky was. Here in southeast Texas, we get some very beautiful skies. The clouds are very low to the ground and move very quickly across the sky. Often, these clouds will catch an updraft and start to pile up on top of themselves in great towering columns of clouds. This is different from the huge thunderheads I am familiar with in Utah, where the entire sky can sometimes be filled with enormous storm cells that move about like Spanish Galleons on the Atlantic. No, these clouds are slender and narrow in comparison, like pillars of the sky. Last night one of these pillars started forming south west of my house. Since they are so narrow, it's very hit and miss if you will get rain. This one looked like it was on a collision course with my yard, however, so I watched it. It was also incredibly beautiful, because the smaller, lower clouds scudded along in front of it while the towering, amazingly white column of cloud moved more sedately along behind them. After a few minutes as the sun was setting the top of this cloud formation started turning pink, catching the last remnants of the dying day and setting the sky ablaze with it's glory.

Alas, the wind did not shift and the rain was brought directly over my house. I had only a little yard left to mow, and the storm was not terrible, so I tried to hurry and finish up the last little bit before it became a deluge. I finished the last little bit just as the rain really started in earnest. I hustled the lawnmower back to the garage and pulled my car in just in time for the rain to quit. Really! It was amazing!

And I thought of that verse in the New Testament that goes:

(Matthew Chapter 5)
43 ¶ Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. (emphasis added)

I won't say whether I am one of the just or unjust. All I know is I got a little rain. :-)

I know sometimes we feel like the rain cloud follows us around. Like that scene in the Truman Show... I can state unequivocally that it is just our turn for the rain. Much of life is painful or unpleasant. It's true. There's just no way around it. But bread must be kneaded, iron must be smelted, and gold must be purified it it's to be of any value or use. I don't know why some people struggle and others don't. All I know for sure is that there will be a just compensation made for all of our unjust suffering. I wonder how much of my suffering is a result of poor choices... I also wonder how much of my life is blessed because consequences of my decisions are removed by a loving Heavenly Father...

Certainly I have been blessed beyond measure. Even though I get rained on once in a while...


Jeanette said…
Pictures, we need pictures!

I have no idea what you are talking about because I am only familiar with spanish galleon clouds =)
Shelly Hanson said…
Very nice Bill. This post reminds me of a song called Sometimes He Let's It Rain for the Women of Destiny CD.

She sees the storm clouds gather
The sky is turning cold and gray
She knows that somethings coming
when she starts to feel this way

She pleads for intervention
But heaven offers no relief
she would understand if she could only see

Sometimes He lets it rain
He lets the fierce winds blow
Sometimes it takes a storm
to lead a heart where it can grow

He can move mountains of grief
and oceans of pain.
But sometimes he lets it rain.

When her heart surrenders
to the master in control
Her spirit learns the lessons
and the tempest in her soul

when it's no longer raging
She can see how far she's come
through the wisdom and
the mercy of the son

Sometimes He lets it rain
He lets the fierce winds blow
Sometimes it takes a storm to
lead a heart where it can grow

he can move mountains of grief
and oceans of pain
but sometimes He lets it rain.

There is no joy without the pain
Sometimes He has to let it rain.

Thank you for this post. You painted a beautiful picture and got me thinking again.

I'm sorry for taking so much space.

Take care,
Bill Cobabe said…
Jeanette - I will try to get you some pics... Until then you'll have to settle for the ones in your mind that I paint for you. :-)

Shelly - this was perfect. It was exactly what I meant and fitted perfectly with my sentiment. Thanks for sharing. And hey, if I can be long winded, you are entitled as well!

If we're really going to be friends we need to trust each other and not apologize - ever. You're great. Thanks again.

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