Does anyone even blog anymore? I remember when it first got started and everyone was having a blog. I like writing, and I do a lot of it in my professional life, but not everything makes it onto this blog, which is where a lot of my personal thoughts come out. I put more into Facebook lately, too, because it's a little easier. But there's something to be said for this long-form writing exercise, and I think I will continue here periodically. You don't mind, do you? Well, in my last post I wrote about how difficult things were for me at the time. That changed in July when I finally got a job working for the State of Utah. I was the program manager for the moderate income housing database program, and that meant I worked from home a lot but also went in to Salt Lake when needed, mostly on the train. It was a good experience, for the most part, and I'm grateful for the things I learned even in the short time I was there. In October I started working for Weber County in t...
This is a blog where I can put down some of my thoughts into the world to see what happens.
But personally, like Paul McCartney says - tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun.
I think, though, that being content about one's situation is partly fear of what one might lose by risking great heights...of love or something else.
I'm thinking more of Dean Potter, who recently died while jumping in Yosemite. He was someone who clearly was accustomed to risk, and while knowing that there was risk out there, still chose to pursue a risky lifestyle. Contrasting that is someone who (perhaps like myself) chooses not to allow risk in one's life - for whatever reason. While I don't think I could follow the same kind of risky lifestyle as Dean Potter, I hope that when it comes to loving people I will always allow for the risk and take the chance.
Because I would rather love and run the risk of failing than not love and feel safe (if benighted).
Besides, I don't know if I could stop loving people. It's very much who I am.