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Socialism vs. Capitalism

So I have been having this really interesting discussion with a distant friend. My last post in the series goes like this:

4. Pres. Romney states further that:

That is the spirit of socialism: We're going to take. The spirit of the United Order is: We're going to give.

> I have said elsewhere that I abhor the idea of compulsion. The motivation for the giving is what is interesting to me. If I give something freely as a gift to the bishop, does the bishop take it? Do all gifts have to be at Ayn Rand's "point of the gun?" Or can some gifts be motivated out of an honest and loving desire to better our society? I think of King Laman who offered Ammon 1/2 of his kingdom for his life, then all he possesed to Aaron to know the truth, then finally all of his sins to God to know Him. The true Christian, fully converted, then looks around to his brothers and sisters in a sincere desire to help them in every way - spiritually first and most importantly, but temporally also.

5. Pres. Romney again:

As to the fruits of the United Order I suggest you read Moses 7:16-18 and 4 Nephi 2:-3, 15-16. If we had time we could review the history, what little we know, of Zion in the days of Enoch and about what happened among the Nephites under those principles of the United Order in the first two centuries following the time of the Savior.

>Sounds like something I have said! :-)

6. Pres. Romney goes on to talk about how the Constitution as the guarantor of our rights and freedoms is the sacred bulwark which will defend us against the excesses of socialism.

> What is the bulwark which will protect us from the excesses of capitalism?

7. He answers that, too! He says:

In the meantime, while we await the redemption of Zion and the earth and the establishment of the United Order, we as bearers of the priesthood should live strictly by the principles of the United Order insofar as they are embodied in present church practices, such as the fast offering, tithing, and the welfare activities. Through these practices we could as individuals, if we were of a mind to do so, implement in our own lives all the basic principles of the United Order.

> I love it. I really do. It's inspired. I have nothing more to add.

I hope you don't think through all of this that I am supporting socialism or communism in it's failed 20th century manifestations. We have hopefully learned that these systems do NOT work - and that they are in fact close facsimilies of a divine program for caring for one another. In my mind the main difference is love. All of Pres. Romney's talk could be summarized into that one word. If I love my brothers and sisters as Christ loved us, there would be no need for the "point of the gun" ever. No need for greed, no need for hunger, no need for ignorance, nothing. Just people sharing all they had because they love each other.

Forcing people to do something even if it's for their own benefit is never the right thing to do. If we love each other enough, however, to look past our differences to our common heritage and desires and needs, perhaps someday we can be motivated by these things enough to live the United Order again. That's my hope.


B. Perky said…
I find it easier to "give" if I remember none of it is really mine anyway.

"We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er our gift may be,
All that we have is Thine alone,
A gift oh Lord from thee."

Or something like that.
Anonymous said…
I love the idea of the United Order. You know I do, particularly where it meets the idea of the caring and taking care of those in need. You have and I have lived in need. I have lived in medical need and have had nowhere to turn. It is the most utterly desperate and despairing place to be.

Remember the night you took your son to the hospital because he couldn't breathe? Imagine if you didn't feel that you could take him to the hospital? People sit and watch their children die because they can't afford healthcare, in our own country. Imagine such things!

We NEED the United Order! And you are so right - we need it in LOVE and compassion. We need to not be compelled into it. We need to want it and desire it in the worst way, or else it will fail in the worst way.

I love you so much. Are you my brother, instead of my nephew? It feels like it.

The magic word to get my post to post is "bumses". Funny.

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