There is a trend that NPR wrote a story on this morning about the trend recently for restaurants to look like factories. Here's a link: Now, I want to make something clear: I don't like dining in the "french ballroom" that the article mentions. I don't like pretense, and I also feel that the "ambiance" of a place shouldn't detract from the experience. So on some level, I do like the simplicity and relative cleanliness of the industrial chic. But I also want the ambiance of a place to add to the experience. I worked in a factory for a few years while my wife was in grad school in Michigan. Interestingly the break/dining area there was more like a corporate boardroom/atrium than a factory floor. Point is, I know what a factory looks like, and while these eateries are definitely not exactly that, it's close enough that it's bothersome...
This is a blog where I can put down some of my thoughts into the world to see what happens.