I love the story of Peter and Christ walking on the water. Because I am weak. Because I falter. And because I ultimately must also rely on Christ.
The last little while has been tough for me personally. My strength falters. I am weak and impatient. I want things done my way on my time frame. I struggle. I resist.
I know in my brain that things will work out. Things always have. Things always will. Of that I mentally and intellectually have no doubt. But there are times when I take my eyes from the Lord and view the tumult and the bank account and the loan payments and everything and I start to falter.
Why do I allow place in my heart for the enemy of my happiness?
When I trust in the Lord, I am blessed in all things. Why, then, do I falter?
Why does my heart harden? Why cannot the things I know penetrate?
In all this, I am grateful for an eternal companion who loves me and is patient. She is my strength and my soul and my song. I love her. She is precious and beautiful. And she lifts me when I struggle. In her, I see the hand of the Lord.
Remember how many of God's children chose Satan's plan? Now think of how many people are currently on earth, and figure the math, that is a lost of Demons per person!