...in which I attempt to identify some of the major characteristics of leaders. Or maybe just one. We'll see. Motivation is an interesting thing. We are all bidden occasionally to do things we would rather not. These tasks range from the mundane (laundry, bathroom cleaning, etc) to the extraordinary (military service comes to mind...). But there is an internal battle that takes place where one's character is put to the test. These battles are things that most will not see, but will nonetheless impact the shape of a person's life in very real ways. As I've mentioned before, my son and I have had lengthy and repeated conversations (he'd probably call them lectures) about what motivates people to do things. On (what I would consider to be) the lowest level, there is the slave. The slave performs due to fear of retribution. The only investment in the work comes as the master forces through fear of intimidation, loss of privilege or freedom, or even violence. Regardless,...
This is a blog where I can put down some of my thoughts into the world to see what happens.