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Showing posts from September, 2009


Matt. 19: 24 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle , than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Mark 10: 25 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle , than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Luke 18: 25 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. What do you think THIS means?

Diamonds and Pearls

The sun glistens Through the tiny drop of water Suspended on the gossamer strands That are your eyelashes Not sorrow Not grief Not pain Causes these tears But joy everlasting A fire in your soul That burns Purifies Heals So I cherish these tears Like blazing diamonds Or pearls of great price A testimony Of love Peace Freedom Strength Most delicious to my soul Most desirable The fruit of God's love

Images I did for work...

These images were generated to demonstrate how an accessory building would look in proximity to the fence/property line. It's too close for the legal setbacks, so I did the images to show how it might look. I didn't show them in the meeting, but I had them ready in case there was a question.

The triumph of capitalism over communism...

I recently read somewhere that capitalism had triumphed over communism. At first, I thought - heck yeah! We rule!! But then I started to think about the statement and what the deeper implications are. Not surprisingly, this is what I came up with. Keep in mind, this is my own interpretation and therefore open to revisionist historical references and interpretations that have no actual basis in reality. But it makes for some amusing reading, anyway, I hope... First off, capitalism is a system of economics. It deals with trade and the regulation thereof. Capitalism promotes ideals of a free market with little or no government regulation. It is centered on the idea of private property ownership. Other than that, society can (and probably will) go to hell. Communism, on the other hand, puts the means of production into the hands of those who do the production - it abolishes private property and makes ownership communal or common. Everyone owns a part of everything - no one owns all of ever...

Do you ever think?

Do you ever wonder... ... what people with the last name "Samsonite" put on their luggage? ... what it is about people that makes them skip the first few slices of bread while moving to the coveted middle section - leaving the heel and less-desirable slices for their family and loved ones? ... why they call Doritos "nacho cheese" flavor? I know of NO nachos that taste that way... ... about light? You can't actually see light, only it's source and the reflection/refraction of it as it bounces off surfaces... ... and speaking of light, if you could go faster than the speed of light and had a really powerful telescope would you see everything going backwards? Or would you see anything at all? Does light follow a Doppler-effect? Is there a sonic boom for light? ... when I get to make my own worlds, I totally am going to make one with dinosaurs - just to watch them fight. Also, I think that it will really mess with people's heads when they try to figure out w...
I have recently begun again a study of the New Testament. I have found an extra 30 min. each morning in which I am able to study. It is amazing - the doctrines that I am studying are at once familiar and intimate and yet profound and inspiring. For example, this morning I read the scripture at the end of Matthew chapter 11 wherein is found the following: 28 ¶ a Come unto me, all ye that b labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you c rest . 29 Take my a yoke upon you, and b learn of me; for I am c meek and d lowly in e heart : and ye shall find f rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is a easy , and my burden is light. I remembered the experience of the people who followed Alma the Elder out of the land of Nephi . They thought they were alone and began to establish a city. But soon there was a group of Lamanites who discovered them and the people of Alma were captured. They were pressed into service and were forbidden to pray or otherwise worship the Lord. Yet they p...