I finished the Book of Mormon last Thursday AM. It was a bit of a rush to the end, so I didn't get to write as much about the last little bit as I would have liked. But there are just a couple of last things that I would like to make note of before I return to my regularly scheduled ramblings... 1. The cycle. Righteousness invariably leads to prosperity. That's good. We all want to prosper. Sometimes (usually) this prosperity leads to excess - arrogance, pride, class-divisions, etc. This is sin and it separates us from God. This sin leads to even greater excesses and wickedness, which further separates us from God. As we are separated from God, we start to lose focus of what's important and the Source of all goodness in our lives. This leads to destruction, which can lead to humility and repentance. This is righteousness. And the cycle begins anew. The way to break the cycle is to remain in humility regardless of circumstances. It is to remember one's brethren like one...
This is a blog where I can put down some of my thoughts into the world to see what happens.