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Is this thing still on?

 Does anyone even blog anymore? I remember when it first got started and everyone was having a blog. I like writing, and I do a lot of it in my professional life, but not everything makes it onto this blog, which is where a lot of my personal thoughts come out. I put more into Facebook lately, too, because it's a little easier. But there's something to be said for this long-form writing exercise, and I think I will continue here periodically. You don't mind, do you? Well, in my last post I wrote about how difficult things were for me at the time. That changed in July when I finally got a job working for the State of Utah. I was the program manager for the moderate income housing database program, and that meant I worked from home a lot but also went in to Salt Lake when needed, mostly on the train. It was a good experience, for the most part, and I'm grateful for the things I learned even in the short time I was there.  In October I started working for Weber County in t
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With A Little Bit of Bloomin’ Luck

 I love the musical “My Fair Lady”. One of my favorite songs has the lines:  The Lord above gave man an arm of iron So he could do his job and never shirk The Lord above gave man an arm of iron But, with a little bit of luck, with a little bit of luck Someone else will do the blinkin' work (With a little bit, with a little bit) (With a little bit of luck you'll never work) I know that many men would view this as an ideal - having not to work. But I can tell you from my perspective that I just don’t enjoy it. It wears on my soul. It makes me feel like less of a man.  I have not been out of work since I was out of high school. Being out of work for months on end like this means that our savings is dwindling, that we’ve had to rely on government and other assistance, and that I simply am not providing for our family. Fortunately our house has been paid off, and we have no other debt. We also have enough in savings to carry on for several more months without any real impact on our

It’s been real, and it’s been fun...

 2021 has been a very tough year for many. Similar to 2020, it was full of ups and downs, and I guess that the “new normal” that everyone is talking about is real and here to stay. We’re still dealing with COVID, still wearing masks and looking warily at others in an effort to ward off the disease and its effects. It’s a little like how the world changed after September 11, 2001, when airports and travel - both international and domestic - have been different and persistently difficult.  On the political front, Biden entered the Presidency in January after an interesting event at the White House. I wrote about that in January, so I won’t rehash it here. Hash is the operative word. Usually an incoming President has a honeymoon period with the public, where he can enjoy some good will and get some things done. This has not been the case with Mr. Biden... His approval rating numbers have steadily gotten worse amidst increasing inflation and continued fallout from the global pandemic. Then


  I think about energy in the world. We're at once part of it and witness to it, but I wonder how we really KNOW it? It seems to me that we are often participants in processes of energy, without realizing what we are doing... In the Matrix (the first film), Neo was shown great fields of human beings who were being used to harvest their energy - as dim as that may be. We have energy. We ARE energy. We assimilate it, we resonate with it, we even glow with it. I'm not talking about a new-agey kind of phenomenon, where people try to realign one's energy with the universe - I'm not averse to that kind of thinking, I'm just not talking about that in this context... No, I mean literal, measurable, physical energy. We breathe in and out, and that generates sound compression waves. We generate heat/infrared light. We produce magnetic and electrical fields that are mostly internal but also can be measured outside of ourselves. We speak. We write (or type, in this case). And w

What we were promised...

 So when 2020 ended, we all hoped that 2021 would be better - that things would be calmer, and that we would see a return to normalcy. We were promised that with a new year, things would calm down and maybe we could get out and see a movie or go to a restaurant without wearing a mask. Or at least, we hoped, that we could have our politics and national government return to a semblance of calm.  Of course I’m just kidding. No one promised that, even if it was our actual hope. But what we’re starting to see in 2021 is more of the same. A last gasp of 2020, maybe, hopefully, and then we can move on to something a little more relaxed? One can still hope, even if we’re not there yet. See, there’s this guy in the White House. For some reason that I don’t understand completely, Mr. Trump has gained a following that borders on the Beatles. It is hard to describe - last year, before the elections, people took to the highways and byways of our fair country and drove their vehicles (everything to

2020 - A retrospective

 There will no doubt be many retrospectives written about the year that was 2020. It was a tough year for most, a good year for many, and generally speaking a very interesting year. Which reminds me of the the old curse - may you live in interesting times. Because, you see - interesting does not always mean good. It does not mean better. It does not mean happy. It just means interesting. So to highlight just how interesting things were, I offer the following post about things that went on. Or didn’t went on. It’s not intended to be chronological, necessarily, or even accurate. It’s just some of my observations.... Let’s start with the pandemic. Pandemic is a word that was previously the realm of science fiction and/or horror writers (The Stand comes to mind). Late 2019 a disease was identified in Wuhan, China, which is a place I’d never heard of before. Apparently coming from some kind of exotic meat market, this strain of Coronavirus was something that the world hadn’t seen before. Ma


Yesterday Ellie was baptized. She turned eight on January 27, 2020, and she made the decision to be baptized. I want to tell you a little bit about Ellie. I have never met a child that is quite like Ellie. She is full of life and fire and joy and light. She knows no fear and is infectious in her passion for life and for goodness and for FUN!!! Above all things, she seeks the joy and fun in life. She is also wickedly clever and funny, she’s a delight to be around and makes everyone feel so good. Because she is happy, she wants everyone else to be happy. I first met sweet Elizabeth in 2018, and on the day I met her she was not feeling well. We decided that a movie would be a fun thing for a sick little girl, so I brought one of my favorites to share with her - The Neverending Story. When I got to the house, I picked her right up. It had been a very long time since I was able to pick up a girl, and she snuggled right into my arms. Her poor sick body was warm, but I was more impressed